Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Chair Affair

A quick post to lead you to the website which has all the chairs in the charity event I was asked to contribute to. There are some pretty amazing for your favorite-doesn't have to be for the one which speaks to you!

Pretty exciting to install.
Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The power of projects

I live my life from project to project. I wish I could say I live in the moment-like all of my years of yoga should have taught me. But my reality is a life of lists started each morning and crossed out through out the day. I do get things done!

Eileen and I always go back and forth on our art making adventures. She believes her focus is on the outcome of the piece she is working on and I always say for me it is about the journey along the way to the end of the project; process vs. product. I am starting to rethink my focus and maybe like "nature vs. nurture" "process vs. product" is so intertwined that you can't teases out which is more important.

The journey of my projects these last 6 weeks have been a backdrop to some very major events in life. Our son being very far away, holding our first grand child, the college graduation of our youngest child, and sadly the death of my father-in-law Dipper. The circle of life which 100 percent of us will face.

I started out our blog this year sharing my idea for my 50th year project. Life got in the way and the original project was put on hold for other projects. This past week I completed 2 big projects. Maybe the 50th year quilt project will go up on the design wall now?
Charity chair project complete-will be installed this week.

Last night a group of friends helped to install a "yarn bomb." I have been apart of 3 acts of knitting vandalism. All have the message "more art/less war."

My army husband REALLY gets into the "operation" of the installation.
 Here we are on the bike path the dead of night-9 PM. Some of us would rather be in bed!


This summer's project is to work hard to define a business plan and figure out financing for my "space to create" which I want to share with my community!
Much peace and joy to you all on this Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

MKays Roses...

My sister Mary Kay lives near Palm Springs California, quite a different planting zone than the Midwest that I live in. But she has always given me advise on growing roses.  Every time I prune I think of her. It is something that has bonded us while miles apart.

She has been battling cancer for the past 4 years.  Her attitude is amazing.  I was lucky enough to spend some time with her and Frank recently.  It was wonderful to see them, share some laughs and of course some hugs.

Seeing her roses in full bloom made me smile.  You can tell she has nurtured them and given them a lot of attention.  Just as she has many of the things she loves.

Beautiful aren't they?

I know this isn't a rose and it leaves a mess on their drive way but isn't this tree stunning?  Love the flower clusters and the textures of the trunk.  Amazing.

I am so lucky to have sisters.  Love them so much.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The artistry of jelly fish...

Jelly fish are breath taking.  These globs of loveliness dancing in the water.  The variety, colors and designs are truly amazing.  I was at the Shedd Aquarium's jelly fish exhibit last fall and was so inspired.  I did not know how to translate the beauty of sea creatures into art, they were already art to me.  Then this week I saw a video by the artist Sayuri and I thought EUREKA! That is how you do it! Wow.  She transported me right inside an aquarium.  So cool.

Here are my pictures from my day.

Now here is how Sayuri interpreted this.  Here is a video of an art installation at the Portland International  Airport.  Only 2 minutes but it will transport you to a different place and lower your blood pressure dramatically.

How do some artists do it?


Friday, May 9, 2014

Karen Musgrave...

During my time at Clay Space I met Artist Karen Musgrave.  She is a ceramic sculptor and accomplished quilter, teacher, author and lecturer.  She is also a warm and kind person who was supportive and encouraging of fellow artists.  She had a show at Clay Space last month.  Very impressive.  She clearly has a lot to say.

You can follow her creative journey on :

Here were a few of the pieces I wished I owned:

Okay the last 2 I really want.  

Dang, I miss ceramics...


Monday, May 5, 2014


Spring is here...I sort of hate to say that. Hope I am not jinxing anything. This past weekend I was able to get out to the Morton Arboretum for a spring walk with my friend Kathy. She and I have know each other since our children were young. More than 20 years worth of walks together. We talk through our lives, solve the world's problems and get a bit of exercise along the way. I am so lucky to have so many friends....

My husband worked his magic again! Start here to hear the sounds of our walk.

and more flowers!

Trees in full bloom
Wild life....
The highlight of my week, no really maybe one of those life changing moments, was meeting our granddaughter....Sorry, you have to be subjected to grandma pictures!
Grandma Lu Lu and baby Audrey!
Have a wonderful week.