Sunday, December 7, 2014

Another Piece

Yesterday I hosted an open house for Eileen's sister Peg to showcase and sell her beautiful glassware. She has wonderful jewelry and house ware pieces created with fused glass. It was/is another piece of HeARTfelt which I want to develop. This piece of my business model is the hosting of artists to promote and commercially sell their art. I envision hosting an artist for 3 months. That artist would be featured in our gallery and would also hold workshops to share with others their techniques in creating art....

It is a fascinating journey. Classes, gallery space, open-studio time and space, rentable studio space for artists, artist-in-residency programs...all of these components need a space.  My vision has always been about "a space to CREATE." I have been working hard exploring the different aspects of HeARTfelt's bussiness model. Some have been successful, some not so much... ALL have been a learning experience.

The biggest step in the process is to find appropriate and affordable space for HeARTfelt to unfold. I need to put it out to the universe, start pounding the pavement, and explore the next piece for HeARTfelt...

                                                  " A SPACE to CREATE"

*****WARNING***** This week's photos are quite blurry...start squinting....

Just a few of Peg's pieces
We had a steady flow of holiday shoppers.
HeARTfelt sold a few holiday ornaments and banners as well.
Before the open house Eileen and I got to take a nice long walk to exercise and catch-up on our week. A red-tailed Hawk swooped down and rested in one of the trees in our neighborhood. So majestic.
This little doggie was barking like crazy as I passed him on my way home. He is all decked out for the holiday season!

Have a wonderful week.


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