Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sharing plants...

I was looking around my garden watering in the 94 degree weather when I started to think about all of the beautiful people who have shared plants with me.  Plants can have quite a history.  The tree purchased for Mothers day or the black eyed Susan that was just delivered to me in honor of my Aunt Eleanor's passing.  The plants with a story mean so much more to me than the ones purchased at Home Depot.  I almost feel protective of them and must make them survive because of the special people who gave them to me.

These heirloom tomatoes plants were shared with us from Denise from the Hilton.  She is a talented farmer and a good soul.  We are going to save the seeds for next year.

I took this limelight Hydrangea from my father's garden before we sold his house.  It never bloomed for him.  The blooms are a little hello from him to me.  He enjoyed gardening in his later years and always wanted to see the tulips bloom.  I miss him terribly.

This cone flower is from my next door neighbor Pam.  She is probably one of the most gracious people I have ever met.  She has shared many plants with me over the years.  I am truly lucky to have her as a friend.

These grasses are from fellow blog partner Lucy and her adorable husband Billy.  They are just a sample of the many plants she has shared with us.  Just a sampling of her generous nature.  I am a better person because of her.

My co worker Lauri keeps me sane.  I don't know what I would do without her.  Our work family is very important in our lives.  She makes me laugh, encourages me and always has a kind word to say.

That is just a sampling from my friendship garden.  I have a lot of important plants to care for.



  1. Enjoying your blog, Ladies. You need to post a picture of yourselves on an upcoming post. I can't think of anyone I have kept in touch with for 45 years!! Very special :)

  2. Thanks for the idea. We will get on it!
