Thursday, March 20, 2014

Me Artist?!

A couple of weeks back an acquaintance sent me an application for an artist proposal. A local charity is asking 20 artists to transform chairs to be auctioned off at their benefit. Before the benefit the chairs will go into the window of local business and the public will vote on their favorite chair....HUM. What took me back was that someone who doesn't really know me asked me to apply. Sure my friends and family think I can make art-but other people? As the woman who asked me to apply put it, "your name came up when we were brain storming local artist..." WHAT?!!!!

My take away from that is start trusting my instincts. I want "The Creativity Shop" to happen. (Summer 2015) So I need to promote my art and myself to make that happen! SO I am going for it-I am going to put my wacky art out there and see what happens!

I applied. Amazing to me-my proposal was accepted. NOW I have to actually create the transformed chair-

SO the "50 Year Project" once again is on hold....BUT I think all of these other projects; baby Audrey's quilt, the chair, all of the classes I have been taking are going to play into the 50 year project....

The Chair project is going to be a Fiber Art instillation. So by chance, I am taking a screen printing on fabric class down at Lill Street. Here is the screen with images I have created-I am into birds right now.
The screen with ink ready to be printed.

 My work space at Lill Street.
My wacky birds on the ice-dyed fabric I created last summer.
Put yourself out there.
Be Vulnerable.
Trust your instincts!

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