I had 2 very different experiences this week which confirm for me, my practice, of sharing anything and almost everything that I do. The first was just a conversation I was having at my local book store. I was talking to the employees and owners about how I am honing my ideas for "The Creativity Shop"(membership based-like a health club, artist-in-residency, hands-on-studio/gallery, focus on paper, paint and fiber.) and that I am targeting Summer 2015 for a space...one of the gals asked if I was keeping quiet, "because maybe you don't want anyone to steal you idea." NO- I am, telling anyone who will listen. I believe the more I talk about something, the better I get at explaining my ideas... you NEVER know who can help you in your ventures....
The second more interesting experience in "stealing" this week was me doing the stealing! I spent a good part of yesterday helping my friend Janet, String Theory knit store owner, run her first off-site yarn retreat. She found a "popular, young knit toy designer" had just moved to Chicago. She nabbed her for a day long retreat; Knitting in Mochimochiland.mochimochiland.com Anna Hrachovec, annahrachovec.com an absolutely adorable, can't even be thirty yet, artist has found a knitch creating teeny, tiny knit toys!
Anna led a group of women through the creating of her, maybe, 2 inch high gnome. After the gnomes were knit she helped people photograph their gnomes to tell a story. What impressed me SO VERY much about Anna was her willingness to share her art and techniques with her students. She told us the story of how she creates and inspired me to "tell a story." Since I was the helper I did not get to partake in the class, BUT I did get to chat with Anna and maybe make a connection for my art AND she said she would even consider MAYBE being an artist-in-residence for the Creativity Shop!
SO thank you Anna for the inspiration....(hope you don't think I am stealing!)
These are the post cards which Anna gave to each participant- Her gnomes are anxiously awaiting spring!
"Yellow Bird"
created by Lucy
It has been a very LONG, cold, snowy winter.
She expects to find grass poking through the snow and signs of spring in the air.
Yellow Bird is hoping that next time she visits these will be GONE!
and these adorable little creatures will be made....
Guess we will have to see Yellow Bird?!
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