Sunday, January 11, 2015

finding beauty and calm in WINTER

Last winter, which was a pretty brutal, LONG winter, I remember saying to myself that I should, "concentrate on hibernating and resting like the rest of nature does..." during January and February. I didn't. I got all caught up in how terrible the weather was and how I couldn't be outside and that the snow would never go away...This winter I am determined to NOT repeat that behavior and try my best to find the beauty and calm in these next 6-8 weeks.

I have found as my sister Michele has often said, "There is no BAD weather, just BAD clothing choices." (I think it maybe a bastardized REI commercial.) IF I can get outside for a walk and a bit of fresh air, no matter the weather, I feel more alive and definitely calmer. I know with subzero weather it is near impossible to do that- on those days I need to relish the time to be able to read a book with a cup of tea INSTEAD of trying to get a walk outside in...

Yesterday I was able to fit a walk in. I noticed the lovely shadows that a sunny winter day creates. I tried to capture them...
 I love the feathery quality of the shadow from these leaves on weeds which I never got to pulling this fall!
 The geometric shapes of some of our garden structures...
 I LOVE the shadow of this tree! So stark, so majestic, so STRONG!
 The little branches off of a big branch I tend to overlook when looking at the actual tree. BUT in the shadow they are clearer than the real thing!

 This shadow is from a glider which I inherited from my parents when they moved from my childhood home.
                                              Love the lone dark shadow of leaves on a stalk.
Then, of course, there is our Buddha. Watching over our home in ALL weather...

                              Try to find the calm and beauty in your winter.
                                              Have a wonderful week-

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