Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Break

Those 2 words have all sorts of connotation; college beach drinking debacles, family trips to historic American cities, Florida, springtime....this past week was my school spring break. Billy took some time off and we visited 2 of our 3 children and had a driving getaway to Knoxville, TN. When I told people here in Chicago that we were going to Knoxville for spring break I got lots of puzzled looks. BUT what I was not expecting was the response of Knoxvillians who had the same puzzled and amused sentiment that we would pick their city as a vacation spot!

I love exploring small cities. We spent a day biking and enjoying spring weather. Billy got to experience a day of fly fishing in the Smokey Mountains, while I was exploring the local art museums. It was a lovely week.
On our way I made Billy get off the highway to check out Metropolis, IL.  This statue stands outside of the city hall court house. Hilarious-right?!
We spent our first afternoon with Amanda our daughter-in-law. I FORGOT to get a photo so she sent me this one which was taken right before James' deployment. In the right hand corner of the photo you can see a paper chain which Amanda created. There is a link for every day James is gone. It was 2 months smaller when we visited!
 Our first day in Knoxville was beautiful! We spent the day on bikes exploring the river front parks.

 Knoxville Art Museum was a wonderful afternoon of art adventure. Admission was FREE!

I was attracted to this next piece because of the spools of thread.

Then I read the description...
 stepped back,
and was amazed!
The best part of the 3 day get away was wearing flip-flops the WHOLE time we were there!
We completed the trip with a visit to our son George at Miami of Ohio campus. I dropped Billy off for his senior dad's weekend. I am sure I do not want to know what the Dad's of seniors and college boys did last night!
Back to work tomorrow.
Have a wonderful week!

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