This past week Chicago was hit with an artic freeze which kept most people indoors for 48 hours! It was so cold, that schools which were set to resume after Winter break, closed for 2 more days! So how do people combat the winter blues (in my opinion they should really be called GREYS?!)
I like to find as much color as possible to help me through the next couple of winter months. SO I talked my Mom and my sister Michele into accompanying me to the Oak Park Conservatory.
There are many indoor "plant palaces" which are larger and more manicured in the Chicagoland area, BUT I like the little 3 room indoor garden-I find that I can enjoy each room and really spend time looking at details....
Giant lemons
Caci |
A cacao bean
Michele trying to make "George the parrot" talk!
 Green on green
A pinky red to remind me that Valentine's Day is right around the corner! 
Plants for sale outside the gift shop.
 I of course had to bring one home and place it in my kitchen.... to combat....THIS!
Here is hoping you find color in your world....
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