Friday, December 20, 2013

Art on a tree...

I love homemade Christmas ornaments.  The ones that are made by artists, kids, crafters...I love them all.   Thank you to all of those teachers out there who have cut out shapes, printed pictures and cleaned up after the ornament making project.  We parents are forever grateful.

In our family we make tree decorating a special evening.  We play Christmas music, drink hot cocoa and decorate the tree.  I give the kids an ornament each year that is representational of what they are into at that particular time in life.  We have Darth Vader, ACDC and soccer ornaments.  Some of them are pretty funny.

Here are a few of my favorite hand made ornaments on our tree.

This is not really an ornament but I put it on the tree 16 years ago and it is now a tradition. When you are in preschool and you get to wear the "Elevator Operator" badge you had the privilege of pressing the button to go down a level to music class.

Thank you to Mrs Anderson and Mrs Marsch for all of the wonderful keepsakes they made with Coley in 3 year old preschool.  I treasure this.

Aiden made this Rudolph in 1998.  You put a red light through it nose.  Darling.

This is Ted's hand print in 1995. Our dog Rosie bite it a few years ago.  I need to send it to a ceramic conservator:)

This is Aiden and the guitar he made from Tin.  We have many musical instruments on our tree. 

Marilyn (my sister in law) made this for all of us back in the 80's.  With both of my parents gone, I treasure this even more.  Miss them so much.

I wish you all a wonderful and safe holiday with your family.  Make some ornaments!


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