The heavy heart I carry is for 2 different friends who are experiencing great loss. Different circumstances, yet both friends have to live with a tragedy which has struck their families-specifically their children. As a parent I ache. As a friend I have cried with my friends and tried my best to comfort. Both friends have been overwhelmed by the kindness of family, friends and even strangers responding to their family tragedy. Experts say that "time" really is the only healer-THEN how do individuals carrying such heavy emotional loads get up and function every day?! As a "doer" being still and letting time heal is a huge challenge for is cliché to say it is the little things in life which bring joy. Maybe celebrating the kindnesses of life is an ART?
The inverse of grief is tremendous joy...
Our son James and his wife Amanda are expecting our first Grand child! (I am thinking a grandma at age 49 should be called something other than grandma-maybe "Lu-Lu?") James is serving in the United States Army and will be deployed in February. Amanda is due in April. My first response when they told me was, "Hey maybe they won't send you now that you are going to be a parent?!" James assured me that the army does not work that way.
Life brings things which we don't plan. As I am immersed in my reflective 50th year my mantra has been. "Keep Calm. Do more Art." My friend Eileen is a much better observe than I am-maybe I need to take a lesson from her and start observing.
The neighbors heard my screaming when the birth announcement arrived!
Silly post cards which I made as part of an Artist Way project-the act of drawing without worry of judgment is a little joy for me.

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