My presentation was old school: A big piece of butcher block paper with my 12 days of doing the same thing-attached. For 12 days I asked my students and the adults I work with at my Elementary school to create a response to, "what makes you crazy?/what brings you peace?" I then posted the responses and let other staff members comment. I posted the display in a hallway which staff has access to but not kids. The secretaries at work sit at the end of this hallway and they told me many people stopped to view it! As I was taking it down to bring to class-2 colleagues were near by, "Hey, you aren't taking that down are you? We love it!" Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of the display which I titled, "The Curiosity Project-an Interactive Art Instillation"-but I have pictures of pieces of it....
A child qualifies their responses.
Both kids and adults find READING soothing!
Another adult responseProfound adult response-
Profound kid response-
I hope you all find peace on Thanksgiving this year and forget about the CRAZY!