Monday, December 22, 2014

Winter Break

Friday marked the last day of school for 2 weeks. It is a defiant perk as a teacher to get these 2 weeks off! I will be doing lots of family activities; traveling to Kentucky to be with our son James and his family, hosting a friend who use to live in Germany with us, hosting 2 different sisters and their families (one from Seattle and one from New Jersey) LOTS and LOTS of family time! One thing I do like to do over break is to catch-up with my reading. Here is a peak at what I am trying to complete over the next 2 weeks...

 This is a journal which was given to me by my friend Amy, who happens to be the author of the book below-which I just finished!
 This book was so wildly successful that she and the publisher created the journal so that others can document their lives. I am going to spend the time over break creating my "Encyclopedia of Me."
 I was given a gift certificate to a local book store by one of my students- this book spoke to me. My new moto for 2015 is, "Say YES to everything!" So I thought this memoir might be helpful...
 These are just a few of the magazines which have piled up this fall. I am determined to at least glance through them. Rip out articles I may read and then recycle the rest!

 I bought this novel back in the summer. One of the gals at the bookstore said it was one of her favorite books of all time. Hoping I can make a dent this holiday break. I always have the goal each winter break to spend one whole day reading in my pajamas...
A friend just gave me this book. I am hoping it will help me to let go of outcomes; "When and where  will my studio/gallery space happen/be? Will I continue to teach in the public school system? How can I make my mark in this world? What is the right thing to do?..." My anxious mind is constantly seeking answers that really aren't available right now! So one of my 2015 resolutions is to "Let go. Let the Universe provide."

                                                     Have a great week-

Sunday, December 14, 2014

tis the season

At one point in my life I knew the history of the Christmas tree (Germany-maybe 1800s?), the pagan celebration of mid-winter, Chanukah celebrations, and of course after 12 years of Catholic school all of the pageantry of  Christmas. But working and trying to figure out all of the presents which need to be purchased and is now ALL about how much I can get done BEFORE Christmas! I am not proud of that, BUT it does seem to be my MO these days.

My husband and I did get to the Illumination light display at The Morton Arboretum this past week. We also visited his family in Michigan. So I am not a total Scrooge. I am trying to take sometime to enjoy the season....hope you are too!

                                     Spectacular lighting at the Arboretum.

                                                        My favorite shot....

 The stark landscape of Lake Michigan this time of year.
 The natural treasures we found on a walk in Michigan
The Greenbush Brewery all decked out for the holidays...
                                                                       Loving Bianca....

 I made my husband pull over so that I could get a pic of the street lights.

                                               I think it was worth it!

                I do like the yarn bomb banner all decked out in Holiday lights....

                         Here is to the season. Hope you are more relaxed than I am!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Another Piece

Yesterday I hosted an open house for Eileen's sister Peg to showcase and sell her beautiful glassware. She has wonderful jewelry and house ware pieces created with fused glass. It was/is another piece of HeARTfelt which I want to develop. This piece of my business model is the hosting of artists to promote and commercially sell their art. I envision hosting an artist for 3 months. That artist would be featured in our gallery and would also hold workshops to share with others their techniques in creating art....

It is a fascinating journey. Classes, gallery space, open-studio time and space, rentable studio space for artists, artist-in-residency programs...all of these components need a space.  My vision has always been about "a space to CREATE." I have been working hard exploring the different aspects of HeARTfelt's bussiness model. Some have been successful, some not so much... ALL have been a learning experience.

The biggest step in the process is to find appropriate and affordable space for HeARTfelt to unfold. I need to put it out to the universe, start pounding the pavement, and explore the next piece for HeARTfelt...

                                                  " A SPACE to CREATE"

*****WARNING***** This week's photos are quite blurry...start squinting....

Just a few of Peg's pieces
We had a steady flow of holiday shoppers.
HeARTfelt sold a few holiday ornaments and banners as well.
Before the open house Eileen and I got to take a nice long walk to exercise and catch-up on our week. A red-tailed Hawk swooped down and rested in one of the trees in our neighborhood. So majestic.
This little doggie was barking like crazy as I passed him on my way home. He is all decked out for the holiday season!

Have a wonderful week.