Sunday, September 28, 2014


Both of my parents are psychologists. So I am sure throughout my "growing-up" life they had many conversations about my "wacky ideas." I have always had one thing or another which I had been working on which would lead me to something else...Some people call it creativity, some people think it is interesting, others may think it is just plan "weird." BUT I have lived my very privileged life exploring my many "wacky ideas!" (I have been blessed to be born into a family and economic circumstances where I  never felt hunger, I got a college education and instilled in me a pretty strong moral compas-thanks Mom and Dad!)

So my obsession of the past 8 years has been "my shop." It started out as, "The Creativity Shop" and has morphed into "HeART*Felt." It has been in my head for a long time and for the past 3 years I have been dabbling in portions of my idea. In the past 9 months I have created 2 different business plans which are about 85% complete. This fall I am taking a step by renting space at my local yarn shop to hold my classes 3 times a month (one paper, one paint, one fabric.) I have created a web site - with the help of a very talented tech guy- and am ALMOST ready to accept payment and registration on line!

I am not sure where this obsession will lead me....I am hoping "my shop" makes it from my head to an actual spot. BUT I am reminding myself to, ENJOY all of the steps and remain, "Calm and Patient," and be open to possibilities!

 Food ALWAYS seems to be an obsession:

This is a wonderful book which I found. Gorgeous pictures and the recipes are very simple and delicious! My friend Michelle hosted friends and made a number of the recipes...

My Men are obsessed with sporting events:

                           Here they are getting ready for a platform tennis tournament.
I asked them to smile...."We did, while you were taking our backs!"
Books and Yoga have been a life long obsession! These were used in a workshop I taught with my yoga teacher friend Reeny.
Reeny led the yoga class on the first 3 chakras, AND
                                                                        I led the art.
                                                                   Looks like I am on my way....doesn't it?!

                                                      Have a wonderful obsessed filled week!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Time to "LEAP"...

Lucy and I have many discussions on our LONG bike riding adventures.  It was only a mere 14 month's ago when I blurted, "Let's start a blog for our 50th year".  I would have never imagined that we would have wrote 87 posts and had followers from far away as Germany,Turkey and France. Amazing to me.

This blog experience has been a positive one.  As a person who does not even have a face book page it was outside my comfort zone to share as much as I did.  I found I really did like the reflective nature and creative writing of blogging.  It kept me on track with my creative process. I must now find something else to keep me going, perhaps a class or 2 at Heart*Felt???

Lucy will be taking over the blog full time as she continues to leap toward her dream of creating a space to create for all called Heart*Felt.  I may jump on as a "guest blogger" every so often if she will have me.

Thank you for reading and all of your support.  Keep creating, valuing friendship and seeing the Art in the everyday!

I will leave you with the latest chair project.  I made this for Lucy for her birthday.

Before: Ornate French Notre Dame scene I found in the basement of a antique store in Brookfield.  Loved the amount of canvas and the price point.

The chair:  Found at an antiques store in LaGrange.  

After:  I tried not to let it look like a Parisian scene but it was not easy.

After I dropped it off I realized the last thing Lucy needed was a chair.  I may be doing an alternative project and bringing this to my house. I will have to start thinking about that... It is always comforting to know that she treasures everything that has been given to her.  She has true appreciation for all creative pursuits. Let's hope that many would like to take that leap with her at Heart*Felt. 

 I for one cannot wait.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Eileen's fabulous art exhibit

This past Friday evening I gladly attended Eileen's art opening at The Clay Space in Lisle, IL. It is a wonderful ceramic artists' co-op which has a lovely gallery, a large working studio and everything you could need to create using clay. The experience was 2 fold for me: First and foremost my friend and her fellow ceramists fabulous art and second, an example of what my venture, HeART*Felt, could be.

HeART*Felt is NOT going to be clay focused. Rather a "Space to Create." with its focus mediums being paper, paint and fabric.  But the idea of resident artists and students working along side each other is an intriguing one. One of my missions with HeART*Felt is to promote the idea that all humans are built to create. Finding opportunities to create with "our hands' in our technology driven world seems to be a slowly growing movement. The Clay Space has built on this idea and is a wonderful working example of success! Take a look at the art:
Beautiful wood floors and white stands ALWAYS make for a wonderful  display.
Some interesting pieces from a woman I knew as a contemporary quilt maker. She moved to clay just 2 years ago. It was so fun to see her Friday night.

                                              Eileen's teacher John created 50 different pigs!
Eileen's fairy house has so much to it!

                                           Such a wonderful display for her ceramic pieces!

                                               Our friend Laura joined us for the evening.
I love the whimsical nature of these cows....
So lucky to have an Eileen original on my plant bench at home!
It was a wonderful evening and so inspiring....
Have a great week-

Here is my work in progress:


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

50 years of hair phases.....

Last week I turned 50! It has taken me quite awhile to get over the celebrations.  I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. My son even surprised me with a visit. I  am one lucky lady.

On my birthday I decided to go up to the attic to look through pictures.  No, I don't have cute albums just boxes.  The scrap booking phase never hit me, but looking through these pictures proved many other phases most certainly did...

A common theme running through the pictures is my hair.  I am not ashamed of all my hair phases. It may be embarrassing at times but it reminds me of who I was at that moment.  They point to a time when I was experimenting with who I was and influenced by trends.

It all started out so innocently

Then the addition of barretts (and knee socks)

The 70's short cut.  This cut forced my Mother to get my ears pierced so it would prevent comments such as "Young man you are too old to use the ladies room". ( true story). My sister MaryKay looks so cool sitting on our stylish sofa.

Then high school hit and I got the fuzzy hair texture.  Puberty?  Who knows,
Really, Saks Fifth Avenue allowed champagne consumption of its underage employees?  Boy, have times changed.

The 80's and my aqua net addition. Tina Turner would be so proud. I have obviously moved out of my Laura Ashley phase as well.  Hello shoulder pads!

Late 80's perm and Lucy short hair. Love the lavender bridesmaid dress. 

The early 90's.  Did they have a 2 for 1 special on the bowl cut at Cost Cutters?

The straight hair 90's cut next to my Daniel Craig.

2000's and no bangs, People kept asking me what was wrong all the time so I cut bangs. I did not look worried anymore! The cheap non botox solution.

Last year

Things have changed.  I am not thinking about trends but what hair style looks best to mask the 20 pounds I have gained since my wedding.   I have changed hairdressers several times in the past few years, tried new shampoos and tropical treatments but it does not seem to make a difference.  My hair is thinning, getting flat and graying.  I was wondering if all the damage I did in the 80's with teasing is to blame but my exhaustive internet searches point to MENOPAUSE.  Can any of you relate?

                                                                    Have a good week!


PS, I forgot the "art" part of the blog.  Here is some contemporary art called "the shelter" that was on display in Cleveland recently by artist Grainne Bird. It is made entirely of human hair.  Don't worry, the hair was donated by salons and citizens of Cleveland.  INTERESTING!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

End of Summer

As today is the day after Labor Day and there is already Halloween candy at the grocery store-I guess it is time to say goodbye to summer fun. I am devoting today's post to pictures with captions. Just to say one last goodbye to the warm, lazy days of summer. Who knows what excitement fall will bring?!
                            Audrey doesn't want summer to end, BUT the fall will bring her daddy home...                                               
This was the first summer in 26 years I did not get to see James. I am looking forward to a wonderful reunion SOON!

                                               Lots of fun friend adventures this summer.

Some new lessons in technology and

summer's bounty

                                         New art friends to remind me of Door County
                                                                Yummy Cherry Pie!

                                                Always my HANDSOME husband.
                                              Beautiful landscapes
                                              Amazing sunsets...

Keep the warmth of summer in your heart, as we move into fall....Have a wonderful first week of September.                   
